Banana sweet gruel recipe

26/09/2013 04:02
banh chuoi (Hanoitourist) - Today I will show you a delicious dish that is easy to make! I am sure that you will feel happy!


- 2 pineable leaf

- 2 liters water diluted with 25gr of coconut milk

 - 250gr coconut- Vani-1kg of manioc

- 1kg of sweet potatoes

-250gr of Palm sugar- Bananas

- jaggery fruit

- salt

How to make?


- Boiling water along with coconut milk, cooking under medium heat

- Then, add pineapple leaf and a little vani cooking together

Step 2:

- with sweet potatoes, you need to peel and cut it into 1.5-inch cubes (3-4cm)., then cook with the mixture of coconut milk and palm sugar

Step 3:

- Steam mamnioc well ans cut it into 1.5-inch cubes (3-4cm)

Step 4:

- Add sliced bananas to cook with the mixture

Step 5:-

Then add mamnioc and cook under low heat

Step 6:

- Add coconut milk and gently stir the mixture

Step 7:

- Finally, add the jaggery fruits and turn off the heat and transfer to serving bowl

You can enjoy when it is hot or not, it is great!

You can add a little pomegranate jelly, sesame to enjoy together./.